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Mitered Corners

Mitered corners are so neat and professional, and Easy! Let your customers know you are a pro by using them. It's easier than you think. First fold and press your seam allowances around the perimeter of your project. Just for now, overlap the seam edges and press them. Then open up the pressed corners. At the intersection of the pressed fold, fold the corner fold at that exact intersection down making a new fold. You can finger press or lightly with iron. This will make a diagonal fold mark going thru the original new folds. Mark this line with an erasable marker. Right sides together, bring the sides at the hem together at the line you just marked. Sew across that mark. Turn, push out the corner with a tool, and press your beautiful mitered corner. Now if you want the edges of the hem to be finished, We'll discuss that in the next Blog post.

Yours in Sewing,


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