Launching Soon: Seamstress Academy
With all that has transpired over the past 7 months, We have all learned how important hands on technical skills are. They give us the ability to be producers, creators,problem solvers and so much more. Talk about STEM: That is exacty what you get in a technical garment sewing course. This course is designed to be an 84 hr,9 month long study. Specific meeting dates will be unveiled in the coming days and weeks to come. You will use all of those aforementioned skills to create professional garments that will springboard you onto a new career pathway. This course is NOT a beginner course. You need basic fundamental knowledge as prerequisites to this course. This does not mean formal education. If you have a garment you have made, you may submit it for approval. This course will cover personalize fit,patternmaking and drafting, classic tailoring,specialty fabrics and athleisurewear /performance wear, and production sewing techniques. Ideally this class will be hands on ,however there will be virtual options and corrollaries. Your knowledge at the commencement of this course will bring new career pathways in clothing construction businesses and fashion. Stay tuned for next update.